Redwood Region Economic Development Commission
Humboldt County is a cool place! Anyone who's been here knows that. But not everyone knows we're one of the most innovative and entrepreneurial places in the country. We are the Redwood Region Economic Development Commission, a collaboration of Humboldt County communities dedicated to expanding economic opportunity in Humboldt County. Our mission is to create opportunity and to support the growth of local businesses. We do this by leading projects of regional significance, making loans, and offering technical assistance through our partnership with the North Coast Small Business Development Center. RREDC was formed in 1977 to create a countywide economic development strategy and to decide how to spend money our community received when Redwood National Park was expanded. We used some of that money to create Humboldt County’s first economic development loan fund. We still lend money to businesses that can't get loans from other places.
And we also continue to lead economic development initiatives of regional significance. For example, we sponsor the Fly Humboldt! air service development campaign and helped lead the effort to get our region connected to the world via fiber optics.
We are completely self-supporting. Interest from our loan program funds operations and our profits increase the funds available for local buseinsses. RREDC receives no outside financial support for its operations.